ReachOut documentation

ReachOut documentation

Last updated: 5th September 2023

ReachOut Analytics

Set up tracking libraries


Each touch point in ReachOut is assigned a unique ID.

After creating a web site touchpoint in ReachOut Analytics the touchpoint ID is available in the UI and URL.

The website touchpoint ID will be used in the embed code for the property value of data-website-id.

Javascript library

The javascript ReachOut Analytics library is a light-weight tracking library weighing around 4kb minified and compressed.

The library is served by our global CDN on Cloudflare and is kept up to date. It can be downloaded and served from within your web application for strict first-party script loading and tracking.

The script should be loaded from the <head> section:

<script type="text/javascript">
  (function() {
    var d=document, e=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
    e.type='text/javascript'; e.async=true; e.defer=true;
    e.setAttribute('src', '');
    e.setAttribute('data-website-id', '[website-touchpoint-id]');

React library

The React library allows any React web application to collect tracking information from within the app itself as a first-party analytics library. It also allows to perform data-fetching requests to personalize the pages with recipient information, track events, submit forms to any table in the CMS and use any table in the CMS and recipient ID in the query string to identify the visting recipient.

The React library will be available to the public in Q3 2023.

Node library

The Node library allows Node backends to collect tracking information from the backend for server-side analytics and page personalization. It also allows to perform data-fetching requests to personalize the pages with recipient information, track events, submit forms to any table in the CMS and use any table in the CMS and recipient ID in the query string to identify the visting recipient.

The Node library will be available to the public in Q3 2023.

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